Peru Flag Cufflinks, Lapel Pin, Tie Bar


These are cufflinks of the flag of Peru. These are great for anyone who is from Peru, has family or friends from Peru or just plain loves them some Peru. I made these with my own hands and hope that you enjoy them. The flag is extra beautiful. These are made out of enameled steel and are high quality. The borders are a golden metallic tone.


These are cufflinks of the flag of Peru. These are great for anyone who is from Peru, has family or friends from Peru or just plain loves them some Peru. I made these with my own hands and hope that you enjoy them. The flag is extra beautiful. These are made out of enameled steel and are high quality. The borders are a golden metallic tone.

Wear these in formal settings or not so formal settings, you pick. These will look good either way. Wear your love for Peruvian culture or history on your sleeve. The simple geometric design incorporating stars is appealing and so are the colors. The seal, I think, is the best part. It depicts a cornucopia, a tree and a llama… A LLAMA. HOW COOL IS THAT?

I would be glad to ship anywhere in the world!

These are made with pride in the USA! Please support American manufacturing and small business!

If you have any questions or would like to discuss prices, please feel free to email me 🙂